Discuss Using STILL-ON Systems
I need a penis exercise workout plan for all the following to do together.
With all three devices Ez- jelq for jelqing, Bathmate Hydromax extream pump, still-on systems penis stretching device for stretching.
I need your professional opinion how to use them all at the same time doing penis growth exercises on a weekly bases 5 days a week! With 2 days off. To build girth and length at a slow pace because of the injury that occurred to my penis from the iED explosion in Afghanistan war OEF. At a slow pace.
I am trying to gain girth and length from my loss of penis size after it was injured in an IED explosion in Afghanistan in 2009 during the OEF war.
My doctor has suggested I used all the different devices to gain penis length and girth and strength after my loss length and girth from removal of sharp metal having to be removed from my penis along with skin and damage tissue from the IED explosion.
Thank you very much!